Welcome! Thank you for your interest in graduate education in political science at the University of Pittsburgh. This Web site provides information for both current and potential graduate students, and you should be able to find answers to all of your questions here.
Of course, if you don't see the information you need, please contact Director of Graduate Studies Jose Cheibub at cheibub@pitt.edu
Community of Scholars
The department fosters an active, vibrant community of scholars. We have a great deal to offer our students in their graduate studies.
How to Apply
Browse all the application materials for the graduate program in Political Science.
Graduate courses offered concentrate on several different fields of study.
See more information about the financial assistance, travel funding, and summer programs for our graduate program.
PhD Requirements
The Ph.D. program in political science is a five- to six- year program, in which students receive an M.A. in political science as part of their work toward the Ph.D