CAPS Presents- Bryce Dietrich ( University of Iowa)-“Do Legislators Emphasize Some Groups More Than Others"

November 16, 2018 - 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Whether it is members of Congress (MCs) or state legislators, representatives often use floor speeches to draw attention to certain groups. Sometimes these groups are highlighted for electoral purposes, whereas other times they are highlighted because representatives share common descriptive characteristics. This study explores not only whether some groups are emphasized more than others during legislative debates, but we also explore how legislators draw attention to groups using nonverbal expressions. To do so, we collected text, audio, and video data from all speeches delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives and seven state legislatures since 2009. We then introduce an algorithm which measures the nonverbal behavior associated with specific words and phrases. Ultimately, we find that legislators at both the federal- and state-level tend to use different nonverbal behavior when speaking about certain groups. This suggests some legislators not only mention some groups more than others, but when they do they actually emphasize those groups using different types of nonverbal behavior.

Location and Address

4500 WW Posvar Hall